
Stock code:871165
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Description: ● microcomputer control program, overload, lack of material alarm;
● 700G high-speed rectifier motor, small size, strong suction, suitable for the transport of old and new materials;
● 800G, 900G induction high pressure fan, low noise, long life;
● 800G reversing dust removal function automatically;
● Ingredients and hopper split design, safe, simple, independent filtration device for easy removal of dust.
Suction machine series
海安县| 清河县| 古丈县| 永清县| 开平市| 满洲里市| 琼结县| 高青县| 平舆县| 阜康市| 南漳县| 松江区| 青州市| 江口县| 龙州县| 江华| 美姑县| 香河县| 诏安县| 内江市| 青田县| 阿巴嘎旗| 绥中县| 肇州县| 高碑店市| 于田县| 南乐县| 堆龙德庆县| 高阳县| 江孜县| 宽甸| 封丘县| 台中县| 永和县| 龙山县| 罗山县| 花莲县| 莆田市| 合阳县| 康保县| 滦南县|